A kit’s parents will always be the first paws to shape them into the warriors that they will become. Mothers of Clan kits have a responsibility to guide their young charges to be loyal and kind, to love and support them, to protect them when they are in danger. Today we will consider the top five Clan mothers who have shown the most love, patience, guidance, and strength to the kits in their care.
Unlike some of the other cats on this list, Petal didn’t always display the most compassionate or understanding nature. Her life was one of hardship and loss from the start, and it turned her into a hardened cat who put survival above everything else. But despite her jaded nature, Petal proved herself capable of extraordinary compassion when she took in the kits of the rogue Misty, who had turned her and her brother away as kits.
Petal became a deeply caring mother to her adopted kits, Birch and Alder. Her devotion to them pushed her as far as confronting Clear Sky about putting them in danger, one of the only times she ever spoke against her leader. When an injured Sparrow Fur was left in SkyClan’s care, Petal looked after her as carefully as one of her own kits. In the end, she died of sickness and starvation, having refused to take any prey for herself so that her kits could eat instead. Though she started as a jaded survivor, she put all of the ferocity she’d once reserved for surviving into caring for her kits, and she ultimately died so that they could live.
From the birth of her first litter in the old forest, until the night she bled out on the floor of the stone hollow, Ferncloud was a staple of the ThunderClan nursery. The she-cat’s life was not always easy. She lost her own mother at a young age, and her brother was murdered after trying to kill Squirrelflight’s kits. She was present for the loss of the forest territories, and two of her young kits died before the Clans were able to leave for their new home. She ultimately outlived three of her seven kits. But through all of her losses, she was always a caring, loving presence for the kits of ThunderClan.
Ferncloud served as a permanent queen for most of her life, helping her fellow queens raise their kits and keeping the nursery orderly, as well as raising three litters of her own. She was the first to welcome Daisy to the Clan and made sure she was comfortable in the nursery, and she nursed Leafpool’s kits when Squirrelflight was unable to produce milk for them. She helped Sorreltail through her kitting and worked with the other queens to practice battle moves for the upcoming fight with the Dark Forest. In the end, she died as she lived, protecting the kits of the ThunderClan. Her dedication to the ThunderClan nursery and her loving protection of every kit in her care has more than earned her a place on this list.
Like Ferncloud, Daisy serves as one of ThunderClan’s permanent nursery queens. But unlike Ferncloud, Daisy was not born a Clan cat. When the Clans first came to the lake, she was living her life in safety and comfort at the horseplace. But she gave all of that up and entered the dangerous world of the wild to protect her kits from being taken by the Twolegs.
It wasn’t easy for Daisy to find her place in ThunderClan after she and her kits were taken in by them. She was no natural fighter, and faced scorn for her soft nature. But she took to her work in the nursery with a loving dedication that matched any Clanborn queen. She has been a second mother to every litter that has come her way, caring for them with the same devotion and love she shows to her own kits. Though she may have faced scorn from ThunderClan when she first joined, the current generation of ThunderClan cats would never question her place there, because they have known her as a mother as surely as their mother by birth.
This legendary queen has earned her spot on this list through the sheer impact her actions have had on generations of kits. Daisytail lived as a WindClan queen in the early days of the forest, when SkyClan still lived among the other Clans. In her day, there was no minimum age for apprentices. Her young son Specklepaw was a WindClan apprentice but was far too young to survive in battle. Rather than accepting the way things were, Daisytail gathered the queens of WindClan and ShadowClan and stood bravely against her leader as she demanded things change so the youngest Clan cats weren’t called on to die in battle.
Daisytail’s efforts resulted in an addition to the warrior code: no kit was to begin their warrior training until they had reached their sixth moon. This law has been a part of the warrior code ever since, and has kept countless Clan kits safe in the nursery during battles for generations. Daisytail and the brave queens who stood beside her that day are to thank for their lives, and their devotion to the young of the Clans makes them an example for all mothers to come.
The top queen on our list had one of the hardest struggles in protecting her kits. When her mate Tigerclaw was exiled from the Clan for murder and treason, the suspicions of many of her Clanmates turned to her young kits. Many seemed to blame the kits for the crimes of their father, including the Clan leader and deputy. Tawnykit’s defiance and courage to forge her own path made her too similar to her treacherous father in some cats’ eyes, and young Bramblekit had the misfortune to look just like his father.
No matter how the suspicions of her Clanmates grated, and no matter how determined some cats seemed to blame the kits for their father’s actions, Goldenflower never wavered in her love and support for them. She stood up to Fireheart when he was being unfair to her kits, she refused to give up hope that Tawnypaw would come home, and even as a grown Brambleclaw struggled with his ambitions, she stood strong by his side and offered her comfort and her love. Though her daughter left ThunderClan to find a new place to belong, no cat could accuse Goldenflower of failing her, or of failing her son. She was a strong, devoted mother despite the suspicions of her Clanmates, and for her efforts, she earned the top spot on our list of mothers in the Clans.